Pomp & Circumstance

It's my favorite day of the year. Because it's tens of thousands of people out here being excited about what our students have done. And it's awesome.

- Katharine Conway '02CC, '06TC, '07TC, '12TC
‎Chief of Staff & Secretary of the College at Teachers College

Columbia's Commencement week ended two weeks ago. New graduates moved out of University housing to start their lives off-campus and the streets of Morningside Heights have emptied out for the summer. In September, new and returning students will move in and the streets will vibrate with excitement and energy again.

But, in this episode, we're not going to look ahead. Instead, we're going to look back at the height of Columbia excitement and energy: Commencement. If you've never experienced Columbia’s Commencement, that's ok. We interviewed alumni, faculty, staff, and students to give you a glimpse at the day.

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Your Weekly Low Down | May 27, 2016

We are looking forward to some exciting Columbia alumni events in June, including a night at the ballpark, a celebration of film students' achievements, and a showcase of some of Columbia's best minds and research. Here's your weekly Low Down roundup:

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Summer Reads from the Columbia Alumni Bookshelf

Kick off the summer with a great read from the Columbia Alumni Bookshelf.

From informative books to help you study ahead of the 2016 presidential election, to guides on cooking and history, we compiled on The Low Down a list of can't-miss reads from this special all-Columbia bookshelf.

Happy reading!

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Your Weekly Low Down | May 20, 2016

We welcomed the newest members of the Columbia alumni community this week. 

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Dear New Grads—Words of Wisdom from the Columbia Career Coaches Network

Welcome to the Columbia alumni community, Class of 2016!

Officially turning the tassel from "students" to "alumni" is one of the most exciting moments for new grads. But it can also be a time of uncertainty, especially for those still considering the next career move in their post-schooling lives.

You're not alone. And so we asked your fellow alumni from the Columbia Career Coaches Network to share their best post-graduation career advice to new alumni.


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I Feel the Earth Move: Walter Pitman and the Smoking Gun of Plate Tectonics

By Stacy Morford, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Fifty years ago, a graduate student named Walter Pitman ’67GSAS made a discovery that would change the way we see our planet. It was late at night, and Pitman was reviewing charts of ship data that had just come off the computer at what was then Columbia University’s Lamont Geological Observatory. The ship, the Eltanin, had crossed a mid-ocean ridge—part of a 40,000-mile undersea volcanic mountain chain that encircles the Earth—while recording the magnetic alignment of the rocks in the seafloor below.

Pitman suddenly saw symmetry in those recorded lines, with the mid-ocean ridge as the center point. “It was like being struck by lightning,” he said.

That symmetry was the smoking gun that confirmed the theory of seafloor spreading and set the stage for our understanding today of plate tectonics.

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How You Can Beat the Odds in the New Executive Job Search Game

By Debra Feldman '74PH of the Columbia Career Coaches Network

If you want to switch roles, change industries, relocate, or keep your search confidential, it's near impossible to get an employer to pay attention. Here are some guaranteed ways to beat the odds.

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Meet the 2016 Alumni Medalists


Every year, the Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) recognizes alumni for distinguished service of 10 years or more to the University—including its schools, alumni associations, regional Columbia Clubs, and University-wide initiatives. The Medal was first awarded in 1933 and is the highest honor bestowed to alumni by the University.

The medals will be formally awarded at Columbia Commencement. Tune in to watch the live broadcast on May 18. 


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Your Weekly Low Down | May 13, 2016

Get key career tips and a fascinating global report from Columbia alumni—check out this week's Low Down

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How To Manage Your Online Profile While Job Searching

Posted on Behalf of Julia Harris Wexler '83TC, '14BUS, Columbia University Certified Executive Career Coach

Searching for a job is usually associated with as much joy as . . . dental work. The truth is that it doesn't have to be anxiety-provoking or painful if you are smart in your plan of attack. Here are some basic tips on how to use the tools available to you to cut down on time and wasted effort and actually target your ideal role with maximum effectiveness:

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