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If you've been following the 2016 presidential election, it should come as no surprise that income inequality has become a (if not the) leading issue in the race. The increased attention to this disparity and the threat it poses to the middle class, is due—at least in part—to the media. An example of the kind of light that journalists have shone on the issue is the 2014 New York Times opinion series, The Great Divide, which was entirely devoted to discussing income inequality. The series was moderated by Columbia professor and Nobel Laureate, Joseph Stiglitz, and eventually became the basis for his book of the same name in 2015.
In the midst of this growing national conversation, the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) held a panel discussion about the discourse around income inequality during the 2016 presidential election season, with a special focus on the media. In addition to Joseph Stiglitz, the panel also included New York Times economics reporter Patricia Cohen and New York Review of Books contributor Michael Massing. Anya Schiffrin '00JRN, director of the International Media, Advocacy and Communications Specialization at Columbia SIPA, served as the evening's moderator.
If you'd like to listen to the entire conversation, you can find it here.
Can't get enough of election discussions? Check out a panel held by the Columbia School of Nursing about how this year's election could affect health policy.
Moderated by Darlene Curley (Executive Director of the Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare), the panel included: Michael Sparer (Professor of Health Policy and Management, Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health), Janet Ready '81NRS, '83BUS, '83PH (President, University Medical Center of Princeton and Senior Vice President, Princeton HealthCare System), Myla Harrison '07PH (Assistant Commissioner, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene), and Delphine Mendez de Leon '78NRS, '82BUS, '88PH (Managing Director, Huron Consulting Group, Inc.)