Thankful for...

It’s that time of year when we think about and celebrate the things we are thankful for, and there is no shortage of things to be thankful for when it comes to our 320,000+ alumni across the globe. With this selection of top 18 reasons we love our alumni worldwide, we thank you! 

Tell us what you're thankful for with #LoveColumbia on social media. 

1. You formed "C" for Columbia with your fellow alumni in Seattle.


2. You spelled out "Columbia" with your fellow alumni in Dallas.


3. You karaoked to "Roar Lion Roar" in Taipei, Taiwan.

4. You dressed your dog in Columbia blues.


5. You dressed your baby in Columbia blues.


6. You even dressed your bunny in Columbia gear.


7. You showed us something extraordinary on Columbia Giving Day.


8.  You've held on to your love for Alma Mater.



9. You've held on to your love for each other.


10. You've shared your Columbia experience.

11. You've shared your Columbia love story -- you still can!

12. You've shared your Columbia memories.

13. You've shared your Columbia umbrellas. (Photo: CAA Club of London)

14. You've never stopped learning. (Photo: CAA Club of Boston)


15. You've never stopped playing. (Photo: Columbia Alumni Softball)

16. You've never stopped giving back to the community.  (Photo: CAA Club of Portland)

17. You've never stopped giving back to the University -- you still can

18. And you've never stopped coming home. 


Happy Thanksgiving!