By Eric Horwitz '90CC of the Columbia Career Coaches Network
Having a strong foundation of education is critical to an informed citizen in a free market society. A mixture of moral clarity and scientific reasoning can form the foundation for an active life of contributing and receiving abundance. Since the beginning of the university system, great men and eventually women were sequestered in a search for these empirical truths. Education is meant to develop individuals into contributing members of the social fabric.
Beginning in the 1980s, the forces of technological change, with the onset of computer technology, has had a major impact on the delicate balance between nation states and the working population. Globalization and women entering the workforce after World War II meant the career landscape would change. Columbia University, the intellectual home of Alexander Hamilton, the inventor of our robust economy, envisioned that its alumni were in need of further learning and support beyond the ivory walls.
As such, it reached out to a community of professional career coaches to help support its alumni in a fast changing world.
Career coaching, as a profession, sprung from the exponential increase in life choices. If you did not work in a coal mine or die in childbirth, then a long fulfilling life suddenly became a series of personal and moral choices that parents and friends could not help navigate. Listening, motivating, and the science of choice helped to build this profession in the early 1970s.
The Columbia Career Coaches Network is made of a varied group of professional career and executive coaches poised to guide the diverse Columbia alumni community through the 21st century career landscape. I mean, how do you compete with a robot? How important is your digital brand footprint?
The coaches are experts who are well versed in subjects such as personal branding, networking, interviewing, and negotiating. They have dedicated their lives to coaching and growing happy, healthy, and engaged leaders.
They volunteer their valuable time to expand the network and contribute ideas and their professional services to alumni. When investing in a Columbia Career Coach, you are reflecting your values to continue your education.
Come enter the new world of self-improvement.
Eric Horwitz '90CC leads the Columbia Career Coaches Network. Learn more about and get contact information for Eric and the rest of the coaches in the Network here.